Saturday, January 22, 2011

Your Career Future in a climate of economic of uncertainty

Too many people who've been laid off or let go from their jobs are unable to secure new jobs that provide a reasonably good fit between their skills, experience, values and goals and the needs of the potential employer. Quite a few of these people remain unemployed because they have been looking for the "wrong jobs" in the wrong way, or they can only find a job that's such a poor match that they are underemployed, not using their potential and thus not contributing to the employer in ways that are healthy, rewarding and productive. Some of these highly qualified, competent and well-educated experienced individuals are having difficulties in securing a suitable opportunity for employment because they did not take time to match their spectrum of skills, values, interests and potential with the vital, newly emerging , urgent needs of businesses, organizations or institutions.During our next seminar session we will explore why it is not wise to skip some essential steps in our job search. Concepts of managing change, business ethics, transparency and principles of effective leadership and management will be modeled and evident throughout this session, and will be reinforced in a debriefing session which will follow with the seminar facilitator. Participants will be able to clarify new information, ask questions and share insights into topics covered to date.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Career: does your career have to be just boring, mediocre, unrewarding and rather dreadful undertaking?

At our next meeting we will discuss several key principals for getting and keeping a job you like and can do best.
 We will focus on how to avoid having an unrewarding, boring, mediocre career or remain jobless, and how to have good time achieving this. Your assignment from the last seminar session will come in handy.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Your job--it's not just about you

Your job is a fairly accurate measure of the value the society places on its perception of your qualifications.

The good news is, you have control over that perception. You communicate by your actions, your appearance and your attitude what you have to offer.

Think of yourself as a "company of one"--you. To market your company effectively, you need to have a clear idea what your company's mission and vision are. You must know what your company brings to the table in terms of valuable products and services. You need to be careful in how you price your company's offerings, making sure that you're reaching the right market that wants and will pay for what you offer.

If you don't like your current job, or don't have a job, then it's time for you to have a serious planning meeting with the board of your company. You are the board. Spend some time assessing your strengths and weaknesses, listing your major abilities and accomplishments, clarifying your personal mission and goals.

Once you fully understand what you offer society--your abilities and your limitations--your past achievements and your future goals--you can market yourself effectively. You have taken control of the perception that society has of your job potential. You have taken the first crucial step toward getting the job you like and can do best.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year, 2011. 21st Century Jobs seminar meets on January 12

We hope your holidays were joyful, and that you spent time doing what you love. The 21st Century Jobs seminar resumes next week:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

6 pm (18:00)

At Cafe Louvre on Narodni Trida, near the Narodni Divadlo

We look forward to seeing you there!